“Are We Being Heard? Tools of Protest” Project

won’t just stop here.

“ Remember, so that we could dream on.”

「 唯 有 不 要 忘 記 , 才 能 繼 續 發 夢 」


物敍 採用「以物敘事」的說故事形式為觀眾提供一個身歷其境的體會。「以物敘事」這名詞最先於 @Mmusumm 出現,意指「用物件作紀錄呈現曾在物件背後確切發生過的事情」。






( 物件 + 故事 )x 告訴我們 = 「港式文具」系列


  1. 在遊行集會收集的物件

  2. 自家製物件
    (例如:#Thanksgiving 集會自家製的紙本美國國旗)

  3. 任何有關抗爭運動的物件


  1. 有關物件的描述
    ( 這是什麼物件?與抗爭運動的關連、物件的用途)

  2. 收集得來的物件資料:時間、地點、收集方法

  3. 手製物件資料

  4. 故事簡單直接便可,200字內。


  1. 電郵 來信

  2. Telegram http://t.me/objournalist

  3. Instagram @objournalist

  4. 填寫以下表格


  1. 我們希望知道你的名字,但假若情況不容許,請使用匿名即可。

  2. 我們尊重您的隱私:在此網站上收集的部分或全部個人信息將被嚴格保密,並且不會出售,出租,借出或以其他方式披露。

  3. 請確保獲取物件的方式是合法的。

  4. 還要別的嗎? 請不要猶豫,我們非常歡迎建議!

Open Call for Tools of Protest

“Are We Being Heard? Tools of Protest” is a project focus on Object Journalism - a style of storytelling first introduced by @Mmusumm I have been following on Instagram for more than a year - which aims to Present ideas with the Record of Objects.

In this historical moment of Hong Kong, we eagerly want to continue this collection.

Only with your help, could we make it possible.

What Are We Looking For?

( Object + Story ) x Write To Us = “Tools of Protest” Collection

Object Requirements :

  1. Objects collected during the protests/ assemblies. (e.g. Purple Ribbon form the #MeToo assembly )

  2. Objects (hand)made for the Hong Kong Protests. (e.g. The paper American flags made for the #Thanksgiving assembly )

  3. Objects that are relevant to the Hong Kong Protests. (e.g. Restaurant Receipts that printed “GFHK SDGM” )

Story Requirements :

  1. A brief description of the “Tool of Protest” (What is this? Why is it relevant to the HK Protest? What is its function?)

  2. Founded Object Details : Place, Date & Method of Collection, Event, Material. ( Where, When & How to get it? Which event had you joined? What’s the material? )

  3. Handmade Object Details : Your inspiration, reason of the creation, the usage of the object ( What’s the inspiration? Why do you make it? What do you make it for? )

  4. It doesn’t have to be long. Within 200 Words

Submission Method :

  1. Email us your idea

  2. Reach us on Telegram

  3. Reach us on Instagram @objournalist

  4. Fill in the form below

Important Things :

  1. We would love to know more about you - of course please feel free to remain anonymous.

  2. We respect your privacy - some or all personal information collected at this site will be kept strictly confidential and will not be sold, rented, loaned, or otherwise disclosed.

  3. Please make sure the acquisition of the object submitted is legal.

  4. Anything else? Please do not hesitate to correct/ suggest - we appreciate it !