

物敍|Objournalist 聯同 Mmuseumm, New York 合作籌辦展覽”Are We Being Heard? Tools of Protest”,宣傳香港抗爭運動。我們主要負責收集一些與運動有關的實物,用以針對香港警暴問題,以及講述香港人獨特抗爭方式。是次展品已編製成書,在國際間作傳播訊息的作用。

「 唯 有 不 要 忘 記 , 才 能 繼 續 發 夢 」

“ Remember, so that we could dream on.”


物敍| Objournalist

records and tells stories through “Object Journalism” – a way of storytelling through curating objects.

Objournalist is pleased to present the exhibition “Are We Being Heard? Tools of Protest” in collaborate with Mmuseumm, New York.

To address the serious problem of Hong Kong Police brutality and record the unique Hong Kong Protesting style, our main responsibilities are to research and curate objects collected from on-site visits and second-hand sources. Exhibits have been compiled into a catalogue and serve as a dissemination of information internationally.

We need your support to continue to record this piece of Hong Kong history.